All full registrants to ISOTT 2023 are eligible to submit a full-length manuscript based on their presentation given at ISOTT 2023. The manuscript will be peer reviewed by the Editorial Board and published in the Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology series by Springer.

Manuscripts should be submitted as MS Word files. Accompanying this on a separate page should be 5 keywords, the e-mail address of the corresponding author and a copyright release form (see below to download the form). If copyrighted material has been used in the manuscript, a permission form should be included from the original publisher.

Springer (links for template and instructions are below). We strongly recommend that you read the simplified instructions (Number 4 below) before starting to prepare your manuscript.

The maximum number of pages (including abstract, main text, figures, tables, and references) is 6.

Manuscripts should be sent to either before or after the conference but no later than November 1, 2023.

Candidates for one of the ISOTT awards should submit their manuscripts no later than July 1st, 2023July 15, 2023 (see the awards page for further details).

Documents and resources for Authors: (click the links to download, use mouse right click and "save as")

  1. Instruction for authors: Instructions for Authors: Manuscript Guidelines | Springer — International Publisher
  2. Author instruction manual (pdf file)
  3. Manuscript template (DOTM file)

1. Contibutor Agreement (Word file)
2. Form Permission Request Form (Word file)

Due: November 1st, 2023 The deadline for the proceedings will be extended until November 10th.

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